Can Locksmiths Cut a Key from a Lock?

John Austin
2 min readNov 21, 2019

Sometimes you may experience such a challenging situation when the keys get stuck in a lock, and it becomes harder for you to bring it back because it already got broken inside. In that case, you need to call a professional instantly. A professional locksmith can cut a key from a lock. So, this article is going to help you with ideas.

Instead of trying out other things on your own, it is better to call a professional locksmith in this situation. They will take proper steps to get out of the broken key. You can go for the key cutting solution that provides a new key replacing the old one. The professional locksmith Scarborough has skills and experience, and above all, they have the required equipment.

Usually, a professional would provide a broken key extractor to cut the key from the lock. However, if you want to buy it yourself, it can be an expensive tool. It also works the same way as a thin metal does. You can execute it by tweezers, clip, or blade, as well. A broken key extractor is a professional equipment, and it works more effectively than others.

Tweezers are helpful in this tricky situation. It would help if you were more concerned about the thickness of the tweezers you have. Overall, the depth would be perfect for pushing to the end of the lock to get out the broken key. In most cases, it works tremendously, and therefore, you should carry tweezers in your handbag to get rid of such situations.

You can also use a jigsaw blade. All you need is a thin piece of metal to bring out the broken key stuck inside. You can buy a jigsaw blade to work in it. Place the blade in such a way that the broken blade would come back toward you. It is an easy way to get the edge to reach the key and bring it back. You can try applying this solution.

So, these are the ways that a professional locksmith cuts a key from a lock. You can also apply these solutions all by yourself. However, getting a broken key out of a lock can be tiresome, and you should hire a professional before things get complicated. Stay safe and secure with the locks you provide in your property.

